Summer Science Program

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Summer 2022: I attended the Summer Science Program, Astrophysics at the University of Colorado Boulder for 6 weeks. Working with three other students from all around the United States, I researched the Near-Earth asteroid 1999 GJ2 using telescopes from the Sommers-Bausch Observatory. Using the Method of Gauss, I coded a program to determine the orbit elements that characterize the orbit of this particular asteroid. Following the completion of a research paper with my team, we worked with the Southwest Research Institute to repeatedly simulate the asteroid's future in 50 million years, finding that 1999 GJ2 had approximately a 2.5% chance of colliding with Earth within 80 simulations. Finally, the calculated orbital elements and orbital determination of 1999 GJ2 were submitted to and published by the Minor Planet Center.

Research Paper


I took pictures using the 20” f/6.8, reflecting PlaneWave telescope at Sommers-Bausch Observatory, located at the University of Colorado Boulder. I then reduced and colorized the images.